Northern California Women’s Herbal Symposium (Summer 2014)
Traditional Midwives Reunion

This was a lovely reunion at the Herbal Symposium with several pioneer traditional midwives serving in Sonoma, Mendocino and Humboldt counties. All these women started midwifing in the early 1970’s and were instrumental in the formation of California Association of Midwives and the eventual legalization of Midwifery in California. Many putting their lives on the line to retain the long tradition of birth at home in a safe and loving environment. Together they’ve brought into the world over 8000 babies. I love these women more that you can know, for their knowledge, wise woman ways and sisterhood!

* Thank you to Shelly Conrad for organizing this event and bringing us all together!

Old School – Traditional Midwifery Reunion
Representing Sonoma, Mendocino and Humboldt counties from 1970-the present



The Hands that Birth – Traditional Midwives
(L to R) Joan Logan, Becka Sheranian, Lily Aquarian,
Shelley Conrad, Luna Armstrong, Susanna Napierala, Jini Reynolds


Joan Logan (Joan Lashbrook)
Becka apprenticed with Joan and her sister, Nancy Mills, in Sonoma county in the 1970’s.
They freely taught their knowledge and skill and it was an honor to apprentice with them.